Saturday, December 8, 2007

Spinning Workout 4 - Intro to Climbing

It's here! It's here!


Black and White (3:47) : Pre-workout

Don't Stop Believing (4:10) : Pre-workout

Goody Two Shoes (3:29) : Warm-up in saddle, turn up to (3) halfway through

Back in Black (4:15) : +(4), get legs going, up at 2nd verse, +(5) at guitar solo

Bathwater (4:04) : down, stay in (5), pick-up at chorus, up and pick up at chorus, +(6) at bridge, -(5), down at coda, pick-up at chorus, up, stay quick at last instrumental

Step Away From the Cliff (2:48) : down, stay in (5), push it out

Breaking the Girl (4:57) : -(4), get legs going, +(5), up at chorus, down at 2nd verse, +(6), up at instrumental

Youth (4:20) : -(5), stay up, ++(7) at chorus ("Young man"), --(5) after chorus, ++(7) at chorus, -(6) after chorus, +(7) at chorus, --(5) after chorus, pick up slightly through end of music

Neighborhood #3 (5:15) : -(3), downhill, high cadence, +(4) after brief interlude (about 1:32), pound through brief flat

One More Sad Song (3:03) : in (4), get cadence going, +(5), up at pre-chorus, +(6) at chorus, -(5) at 2nd verse, +(6) at chorus

Yellow (4:29) : -(5), down, +(6), up after "For you I'd bleed myself dry"

How (2:51) : pick up cadence a little, +(7) at 2nd section, +(8) at 3rd section

For What It's Worth (2:43) : Cardiac cool-down

Papa Loves Mambo (2:43) : Stretches

One Sweet Love (3:58) : Post-workout


Anonymous said...

I can't seem to be able to download your podcasts anywhere?